What makes a good Drug and Alcohol policy?


Having a drug and alcohol policy in place is essential in improving the health and safety of any workplace. Drug and alcohol abuse increases the possibility of an incident occurring in the workplace alongside the decreased productivity and output that occurs.

Due to the evident safety risks, having a policy in place to help prevent misuse is highly recommended.

When creating a policy, employers need to be transparent to prevent any misunderstanding within their workforce.

A policy should be clear, structured and won’t allow loopholes of abuse that encourage complacency or lack in belief of it effectiveness. It also prevents the possibility of the event reoccurring, placing others in danger again.

The testing methods that would be implemented need to be communicated so employees feel safe and are aware of how they may be tested. Whether it is urine, oral fluid, blood or hair. Maintaining transparency in the policy and procedure builds trust between employer and employees.

Providing a support mechanism to any employees that may be struggling with substance misuse. Showing employees that the support opportunities are there could be vital in the rehabilitation of someone who is severely struggling.

Having disciplinary action for employees is unavoidable in certain circumstances. Informing employees of the repercussions in these circumstances allows a mutual understanding and respect of the boundaries that are in place – the purpose of the policy is not to catch and dismiss employees, but to keep the entire workplace as safe as possible.

The policy needs to be applicable to every level within the organisation. Even the highest levels of management and external agency staff who may be working in the company.

It is imperative to reassure your staff that safety is the priority in your drug and alcohol policy. Using a fully accredited ISO17025 laboratory to conduct testing provides an exceptional standard of accuracy and reporting for each methodology.

If you’re interested in getting assistance or learn more about implementing an effective testing policy, contact us:

E-mail: testingservices@randox.com

Phone: +44 (0) 28 9445 1011